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[경제] Congo, Democratic Republic of - North Kivu InfraSAP : Main Report

콩고민주공화국 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2021-06-10 등록일 : 2021-08-28 원문링크

In the context of limited public capacity, a key challenge is how these private sector solutions can be scaled up. This requires business models that are viable in an environment of high regulatory, security, and other risks, while having the potential to grow or replicate to collectively build sustainable and coherent provision of infrastructure services in their respective sectors as the environment stabilizes. It will also require concerted effort to improve the investment environment through clarifying legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks and building capacity at both central and provincial levels, in a way that will foster a healthy competitive dynamic once the private market takes shape or takes off at scale. In most sectors, targeted public financial support will be required to enable such private sector solutions to reach the rural population that remains the majority in North Kivu and is currently largely unserved. Development partners will have a critical role throughout this process: to support nascent businesses as they grow and transition to viable service providers; and to support the Government in building the enabling environment to allow those businesses to expand and thrive. The purpose of this InfraSAP is to support informed decision-making with respect to building out and rehabilitating the critical infrastructure needed to support growth and stability in North Kivu, particularly through an expanded role for the private sector. This involves reviewing the status quo of infrastructure service provision to assess the critical needs and investment priorities. It involves looking at the experience of private provision in infrastructure in North Kivu to understand the opportunities and constraints on further investment in the current context. It requires delving into the institutional complexities of that context, such as incomplete processes of decentralization and sector reform, and considering both how these can be resolved, and what is possible in the meantime. Finally, it involves identifying actions that the provincial and national governments could take to expand investment opportunities and overcome constraints, with the support of development partners.

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