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[경제] Forest Accounts of Kyrgyz Republic : Kyrgyz Republic Integrated Forest Ecosystem Management Project - KR WAVES Plus

키르기스스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2020-08-01 등록일 : 2021-10-31 원문링크

The economy of the Kyrgyz Republic is heavily dependent on the country’s natural resources. However, there has been until now a broad lack of awareness of the true value of these resources and how to sustainably manage them for the benefit of the country’s population. As a result, natural resources, notably forests, pastures, and natural wildlife habitats, have been placed under considerable strain due to inappropriate exploitation. Various actions are being undertaken supporting a transition towards “green growth” and achievement of the sustainable development goals in the Kyrgyz Republic. This technical report shows the results of the pilot implementation of Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) for Forests in the Kyrgyz Republic for the year 2018 under the KR WAVES Plus initiative, using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) framework. The second section of this document presents the rationale for the compilation of forest accounts in the Kyrgyz Republic, explaining the problems faced by the sector and why the country has dedicated efforts to undertake integrated environmental-economic accounting. The third section explains the methodological principles used in the compilation of these forest accounts. The fourth section addresses the gaps in data that have been identified during the compilation of the forest accounts. The fifth section describes the results of the Forest Accounts of the Kyrgyz Republic. The final section identifies lessons learned and proposes a way forward regarding measures needed to institutionalize the accounts within the country’s statistical system.

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