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[정치] 우크라이나 정치에 나타난 상징성 연구

우크라이나 국내연구자료 기타 홍석우 한국슬라브․유라시아학회 발간일 : 2008-09-30 등록일 : 2017-05-23 원문링크

Political symbolism is symbolism that is used to represent a political standpoint. The symbolism can occur in various media including banners, acronyms, pictures, flags, mottos, and countless more. For example, red flags have traditionally been flown by socialists, left-wing radicals, and communist groups to represent the “blood of the workers.”groups use the political colour associated with their political philosophy, for example blue, particularly dark blue, is often associated with Conservative parties. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Soviet symbols disappeared. The plain red flag with a golden hammer and sickle and a good-bordered red star in its upper canton that once served as a symbol of the Soviet Union has been replaced with other Ukrainian symbols. A variety of new symbols have emerged. Some of them are related to Ukrainian history and there are symbols of capitalism which were previously non-existent in Ukraine. While blue and yello flag, the trident become nationals symbols of Ukraine historical and mythical figures, motherland, folkdress, and even items of pop-culture, such as movie poster, book cover, babies character are often used for symbols of parties and individual politicians. This study aims to discuss how and why these various symbols are selected, modified, created and used in contemporary Ukrainian politics. Providing and comparing various symbols in Ukrainian politics, this study shows that symbols are very important for the government, political party and even individual to express political standpoint on contemporary political and social issues. According to this study, Ukrainian government tries to discover new symbols in its history, and modified and used them to support its legitimacy, historical continuity and cultural superiority. What the Ukrainian government wishes to achieve eventually is to build a new national identity for Ukrainian people on one hand, and on the other hand, to be recognized for historical continuity and legitimacy of the country by presenting the symbols to the outside world. This study also presents various symbols that were used by Ukrainian parties during Orange revolutions and explain how they tried to explain selves and others. Finally, providing examples of Tymoshenko who have succeeded in Ukrainain politics, this study shows the dynamic process of the creation, modification and changes of symbols in Ukrainian politics and explain the significance of political symbolism for understanding contemporary Ukraine.

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