[외교/안보] Subnational Business Ready in the European Union 2024 : Romania (English)
루마니아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2024-11-04 등록일 : 2024-11-13 원문링크
This year, the Subnational B-READY series cover 40 cities in six EU Member States—Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, and the Slovak Republic—covering 36 European regions. In Romania, the Subnational B-READY covers nine cities in eight regions at the NUTS2 level: Brașov (Centre), Bucharest (Bucharest-Ilfov), Cluj-Napoca, Oradea (North-West), Constanța (South-East), Craiova (South-West Oltenia), Iași (North-East), Ploiești (South Muntenia), and Timișoara (West). The primary objective of the Subnational B-READY studies is to identify and address regional disparities in regulatory environments and to promote reforms that foster private sector growth, job creation, and sustainability. The Subnational B-READY series delivers a rigorous, data-driven analysis of business climates at the local level, offering actionable insights for policy makers.
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