[정책] Poland - Country Climate and Development Report
폴란드 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2024-11-01 등록일 : 2024-11-13 원문링크
The Poland Country Climate and Development Report is structured as follows. Chapter 1 examines Poland’s development and growth prospects in light of the challenges, and the opportunities, brought by decarbonization and resilience. Chapter 2 assesses the country’s policies and institutional capacities to address the challenges arising from the transition and physical climate impacts. Chapter 3 explores the country’s options to speed up the pace of CLIMAdecarbonization as well as the challenges faced by agriculture and water— sectors crucial to Poland’s current and future prosperity — in building climate resilience. Chapter 4 assesses the macroeconomic impacts and benefits from the transition, with a specific focus on just transition aspects, the role of the private sector, and financial markets. The final chapter lays out prioritized policy and investment recommendations stemming from the report findings and organized according to three policy packages: A) aligning policies and institutions to enablepublic and private sector action; B) setting the economy on an NZ2050 trajectory; and C) enhancing the resilience of people and firms (Table 5.2). The analysis underlying each specific recommendation is cross-referenced (for example, A1; A2; B1) above and in the main body of the report.
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