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[환경] Bryophytes in managed lowland forests of Slovakia (Central Europe): looking into species diversity across different forest types

슬로바키아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Biodiversity and Conservation 발간일 : 2024-10-01 등록일 : 2024-10-11 원문링크

The majority of the woodland area in Central Europe is composed of managed forests. Although the species diversity and composition, particularly in older forests, may be similar to those of natural or close-to-nature forests, intensive forestry and other human activities have adverse impacts on biodiversity. The present study focused on bryophyte diversity in managed lowland forests, as these have received less attention compared to other types of forests. Our research targeted the area located within the Borská nížina Lowland in south-western Slovakia. In total, 37 forest sampling plots (SPs) were selected, representing five different forest types, namely Quercus, Fraxinus, Robinia, Pinus, and mixed forests. Multivariate statistical analyses were conducted across these forest types to demonstrate variations in bryophyte species richness, composition, and functional traits. Overall, 60 species of bryophytes were identified, of which five were liverworts and 55 were mosses. Epiphytes were the most abundant substrate group in deciduous and mixed stands, while epigeic species prevailed in Pinus forests. Considering environmental factors, the bryophyte diversity was influenced mostly by the forest type and area size of SPs. Clear differences in species composition were observed when comparing coniferous and deciduous stands, as well as non-native Robinia forests and native tree stands. Overall, intensive forest management results in a high concentration of hemerophilous and nitrophilous species, along with the absence of rare and threatened mosses and liverworts. Nevertheless, by adhering to proper management methods, even managed forests can provide suitable habitats for various bryophytes.

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