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[보건] Moldova - Health Transformation Project

몰도바 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-06-30 등록일 : 2023-07-23 원문링크

Ratings for the Health Transformation Project for Moldova were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial. Some lessons learned included: Moldova was a leader in using the program-for-results (PforR) instrument, generating important lessons to inform future World Bank support to Moldova and to other countries. The PforR instrument was fit for purpose both operationally and institutionally and proved its utility and adaptability over time in a challenging country context. The program demonstrated that the PforR instrument can be a useful tool to support health sector reforms and help shift from an input to results focus. Strong political support and a stable political environment are critical enabling factors to reinforce the utility of PforR as a lending instrument. Intensive implementation support is required to successfully implement a PforR and maximize development impact. When using a PforR, a strong monitoring and evaluation framework should be in place at the time of preparation. The PAP may not be sufficiently flexible to guide implementation of the program under the PforR. The investment project financing (IPF) component provided critical technical support and capacity building.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.

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