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[지역]투르크메니스탄 민족국가 형성에 관한 연구: 20세기 초 투르크멘 공화국 체제의 출범 배경과 쟁점 및 의의

투르크메니스탄 국내연구자료 기타 황영삼 한국슬라브․유라시아학회 발간일 : 2015-03-17 등록일 : 2017-04-20 원문링크

Independent Turkmenistan today is the political outcome made by the process of the 1917 Russian Revolution, its consequent Civil War and the building of the Soviet System. To this result were added the resolutions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of Soviet Communist Party, the discussions of Central Asian Bureau, and the efforts of Turkmen political elites for the nation-building of Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic. It implicates that Turkmen SSR was organized by the mixed factors of 'the order from the above' and 'the opinion from the below'. My evaluation through this article is that the meaningful importance of Turkmen's making a nation-state must be taken from the internal efforts of Turkmen native political elites, not from 'the divide and rule' policy of the Bolshevik Regime. The rationale for my point is that Turkmen elites succeeded in including the areas of Tashauz, Farab and Charjaw to their territory on their wills. The three areas were then under the territory of the Uzbek people, but had the historical relation with the Turkmen people. Such a result was not possible without the will of Turkmen elites. It is notable to indicate that Turkmen SSR had the limitation of functioning within the Soviet System, and the political orientations of elites were pro-Soviet. But it is important that the scattered Turkmen people gathered and made a nation-state with a territorial boundary, and it became a milestone to give a birth of contemporary Turkmenistan.


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