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아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Wiley 2025-02-04 원문링크
#Tanzania #Online Exploitation #Adolescents #Victim Stigma #Help-Seeking #Digital Safety 자세히보기
사우디아라비아 국외연구자료 기타 Jaafar Y Ghazwani, Shamsun N Khalil, Razia A Ahmed Journal of Family and Community Medicine 2016-11-16 원문링크
#Medicine #Adolescents #R5-920 #Medicine (General) #social anxiety disorder #parenting style #subtypes 자세히보기
[지역] Reducing HIV/AIDS in young people in Sub-Sahara Africa: gaps in research and the role of theory
아프리카ㆍ 중동 기타 국외연구자료 학술논문 - Afrika Focus 2018-08-31 원문링크
#Evaluation #Sub-Sahara Africa #Adolescents #HIV/AIDS prevention #Behavioural change theories 자세히보기