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[정치/외교] Between Political Rigidity (Towards Conflict) and Liquid Fluidity (Towards Peace): The Water Boundaries of Mexico with Guatemala and Belize

과테말라 / 멕시코 국외연구자료 학술논문 Edith F. Kauffer Michel Revista de Paz y Conflictos 발간일 : 2017-12-31 등록일 : 2018-02-02 원문링크

Mexico shares two borders with Guatemala and Belize where surface waters are abundant, a situation that enables dynamic relations between waters and boundaries. The border rigidity has traditionally contrasted with profound local transboundary interactions between water linked to socio-cultural dynamics and the multiple circumstances of liquidity. Resulting from more than a decade of research in the area, this paper proposes to analyze different water borders conceived as an integrative duality –rigidity versus fluidity- from a perspective which looks beyond dominant methodological nationalism. Instead of opposing water fluidity and the rigidity of political boundaries, through examples of “transboundary water crossings” and transboundary river basins, the article proposes “water transbordering” as a perspective that dynamically intertwines waters and borders. Finally, it highlights the importance for research to go beyond nationalist, homogeneous and hegemonic visions about rigid borders, which ultimately feeds conflicts and moves towards a perspective that includes local dynamics of waters and boundaries in support a transboundary analysis that moves towards transboundary environmental peace.


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