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[지역] 게임에서 보이는 라틴아메리카와 멕시코

멕시코 국내연구자료 학술논문 최명호 라틴아메리카연구 발간일 : 2016-02-29 등록일 : 2018-02-01 원문링크

Although a global economic depression is currently occurring, the growth of video games as an industry is worthy of note. There is online internet service provides access to the video game from any smartphone or Tablet PC, and the user can communicate with other users. This means that the game is a form of mass media, and already the video game has played a role as the media of the next generation, a trend which will continue. This indicates that academically the game as a social and cultural phenomenon can be the objects of study for humanities and social sciences. Besides, from an aesthetic point of view the video game could be considered a new method to express beauty; from an artistic perspective it is a new genre of composite art, and from the narratological perspective in the theory of Herman Northrop Fryer it is a refined digital romance, and finally from the perspective of cultural assimilation it is a new method to be investigated, and also the method to spread Latin American and Mexican cultures. As the media of the next generation, the specialty of the video game is to be more repetitive than other media, which means the cultural genres that appear in the game can be stamped on the minds of users. In the case of Latin America, Mexico in particular looks like an uncontrolled region of wildness, especially when depicted in violent video games, which strengthens the cultural prejudices. In order to abandon these stereotypes, the creation of video games with respectful portrayals of Mexican tradition would be more prudent than the prohibition of circulation and consumption of violent video games. From now on, regional research should consider the game as an important subject of investigation, for example in terms of narrative structure, the mass media, the reaction of users, and the “gamification” of the culture, along with similar themes.

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