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[정치] Mexico’s Next President: Challenges and Recommendations

멕시코 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - The International Trade Journal 발간일 : 2024-09-27 등록일 : 2024-10-24 원문링크

Mexico`s Next President: Challenges and Recommendations, by Lila Abed, Cecilia Farfán-Méndez, Alexandra Helfgott, Eric Marquez, Andrew I. Rudman, Ariel Ruiz, Ambassador Earl Anthony Wayne, and Duncan Wood, Washington, D.C. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2023, 54 pp., $0.00 (E-book), https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/media/uploads/documents/ MexicoElection BookletFinal WebProof.pdf.Mexico`s Next President: Challenges and Recommendations is a collection of essays assembled by the Mexico Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.The Wilson Center serves as a nonpartisan policy forum, bringing together the worlds of academia and public policy, with the purpose of tackling global challenges through independent research and dialogue. A binational advisory board oversees the Mexico Institute, whose aim is to improve understanding, communication, and cooperation between Mexico and the United States through research, discussion, and policy recom- mendations geared toward the enhancement of this bilateral relationship.Through a 54-page booklet of recommendations, the Mexico Institute of the Wilson Center addresses the current challenges faced by Mexico`s newly elected president. In six independent essays written by experts in the areas of energy, migration, the United States- Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and North America, security, water, and nearshor- ing, the piece addresses challenges on these areas and suggests potential courses of action to be effected by the succeeding Mexican administration.In the first essay, on energy, Alexandra Helfgott and Duncan Wood introduce the notion that, in this once-in-a-generation opportunity for unprecedented prosperity and competitiveness, Mexico must ensure access to abundant and affordable energy while maintaining environmental sustainability. The authors state that Mexico`s national energy policies must balance the three dimensions of a nation`s energy sector, referred to as the "energy trilemma" and consisting of energy security, energy equity, and sustainability. In order to attain this balance, Helfgott and Wood suggest addressing Mexico`s conflicting visions of modernization and tradition. In other words, Mexico must develop its own resources while foreign and private firms are encouraged to invest and build capacity to increase sustainability and national energy independence.The challenge of migration is then addressed in an essay by Ariel G. Ruiz Soto. Ruiz Soto identifies three primary migration challenges confronting Mexico that demand policy attention: 1) more Mexicans are repatriating than leaving the country, 2) the population transiting through Mexico has increased not only in numbers but also in its diversity, and 3) immigrants and asylum seekers in Mexico face institutional gaps that hinder their integration into Mexican society. In light of these challenges, Ruiz Soto suggests that Mexico must consider increasing the volume of tools used by its consular network to provide information on mechanisms to regularize immigration status for its citizens in the United States. Likewise, the same consular network must provide parallel services for migrants seeking to return to Mexico. Within its borders, the author suggests that Mexico must also increase funding for public and private entities to provide adequate services for migrants and asylum seekers; these services include alternatives to detention

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