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[경제] Guatemala - Country Partnership Framework for the Period FY2024-2027

과테말라 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-05-30 등록일 : 2023-06-24 원문링크

The World Bank Group (WBG) FY2024-27 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) aims to continue supporting Guatemala in addressing its development challenges, with a focus on inclusion and sustainability. The WBG’s strategy is articulated around three mutually reinforcing high level outcomes (HLOs): (i) increased human capital, (ii) increased resilience to natural disasters and climate change, and (iii) improved Job Opportunities. Two cross-cutting themes will complement these HLOs: Strengthening Institutional capacity - improving the availability of data, integrity, and transparency; and Inclusion, tackling discrimination and barriers for the economic empowerment of women and Indigenous people. The CPF builds on the selective program established during the CPF gap years of FY 2021-23, that followed the FY17-20 CPF. During this period, the IBRD established operations to help address malnutrition, support the COVID-19 pandemic response, and promote key social and economic reforms. Since general elections are scheduled for June 2023, the bulk of existing and new operations will be implemented by a new administration, which will take office in January 2024. Nonetheless, the existing broad consensus on development priorities and the country’s cumbersome approval process for all sovereign external financing justify moving forward with the proposed CPF and the preparation of the operations requested by the current administration.

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