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[보건] Nepal - Health Sector Management Reform Program Project

네팔 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-02-28 등록일 : 2023-05-11 원문링크

Ratings for the Health Sector Management Reform Program Project for Nepal were as follows: outcomes were highly satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Lessons learned include: the political economy of the transition to federalism could have been given further consideration ahead of and during Program preparation. The shift from a unitary government resulted in a Public Financial Management (PFM) system disconnected at the three levels of government with unclear roles and responsibilities. Planning and integrated supportive supervisory systems were affected with the HMIS being the only common accountability mechanism and tool across all three tiers. In the restructuring, by localizing the Program-for-Results (PforR) to the federal level, except for the DLIs on the DHIS and social audits, the PforR missed the opportunity to strengthen lower tiers of government, local governments and deepen the management capacities of provinces and local levels, where the functioning and efficient management of resources has a more direct bearing on service delivery. The results-based approach aligned incentives between MOHP and MOF toward achievement of results though this did not translate to discrete additional financial investment support to MOHP for implementation of the Program. Flexible design elements such as rolling advances to pre-finance results and scalability of DLIs to disburse commensurate to progress greatly aided the achievement of results especially in times of crises as was experienced during the pandemic. While most of the results were achieved in excess by the end of the project, the approaches safeguarded the government against cashflow deficits which would have precluded implementation of critical actions required to achieve results.

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