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[경제] Georgia - Country Economic Memorandum : Chapter 1 - Understanding Georgia’s Growth

조지아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2022-06-30 등록일 : 2022-07-10 원문링크

Georgia has set itself an objective to build a European state. Its political leaders proclaimed this more than one hundred years ago, while their more current peers formalized it through a comprehensive association project with the European Union (EU). In March 2022, the country officially applied for EU membership. Almost two thirds of the population believes that to be Georgian means to be European and almost 80 percent supports EU accession. This chapter assesses Georgia’s growth performance through a few lenses, with a view to identifying drivers of growth, opportunities to build on Georgia’s many accomplishments, as well as challenges that may constrain growth. In addition, this chapter provides a spotlight on two important global trends. First, digitalization is a potent force that is opening considerable opportunities, but also threatening to disrupt existing economic relationships. Georgia’s digital agenda is taking shape, and the economy is increasingly being digitalized; however, the risk is real that businesses and households are excluded from or displaced by the new opportunities. Second, while this is not a green growth report, aspects of the green growth agenda cannot be ignored when discussing sustainable growth. The chapter thus examines trends in energy use, including the energy efficiency of the enterprise sector.

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