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[지역] 룰라정부 경제정책에 대한 찬반논쟁과 그 의미분석

브라질 국내연구자료 학술논문 윤택동 /YoonTaekDong 1 , 이종걸 2 중남미연구 발간일 : 2005-02-28 등록일 : 2017-12-15 원문링크

These days, we can find various radical interest groups in our society. Sometimes, some labor unions of interest groups have presented radical activity and it brought serious problems to Korean economy. But we can find more serious social conflicts in Brazil than in our society. Brazil has experienced this problemmany years ago. Thus this Brazilian case study will give good lessons for Korea.Many peoples indicate that the structural inequality of income distribution in Brazil is principle cause of Brazilian social conflicts and the low rate of economic growth. Brazilian economic inequality was formed from the initial stage of colonial development, that is, from the sugar economy. This Brazilian economic structure influenced also to the social and political structure of Brazil. Consequently, it indicates that the Brazilian problems of these days have formed and based on the economic, social and political inequality, in other words on the institutions formed in the Brazilian society. why did these problems occur and become worse more seriously? This article was set up with this question and tried to explain this through institutional approaches.

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