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[역사] 칠레 피노체트 쿠데타의 성격과 특징

칠레 국내연구자료 학술논문 곽재성 한국서양사연구회 발간일 : 2011-09-07 등록일 : 2017-09-29 원문링크

This paper examines the characteristic features of the Pinochet regime followed by brutal coup in 1973. Cronological review from the Allende era till the end of Pinochet regime is attempted in order to provide the background of the case. Such concepts as civil-military relations and human rights are adopted as a central device for providing insights during the democratization period under Aylwin and Frei. In Chile, the issue of state sponsored human rights violations has figured near the top of the transitional political agenda and Concertación government adopted the issue as the preferred platform for opposition to military rule. However, there was a definite limit for democratic regimes to go further beyond finding the truth. Facing both institutional and political safeguards set by the military, it was impossible for them to promote trials of human-rights violators because the amnesty law of 1978 covering human rights violations committed between 1973 and 1978, and the Constitution of 1980 institutionalizing the rule of General Pinochet, inaugurated a legal protected democracy. Although Aylwin made some progress in asserting the authority of the presidency, he (and also his successor) failed to break through many important constraints of Pinochet´s legacy. In the light of the given environments, Concertación government has devoted its effort more to the investigation of the cases rather than setting up justice. In other words, politico-statist logic was more emphasized than ethical-symbolic logic in dealing with the most problematic legacy of the dictatorship in Chile. Main reason is that general support to the Chilean military was relatively strong during the democratization period despite the records of brutal repressions and human rights violations because the military regime was highly regarded in two directions: peaceful transition to democracy and economic outcome.


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