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Bangladesh and Myanmar relations : cooperation and challenges

인도ㆍ남아시아 기타 국내연구자료 기타 Mohammad Zahirul Islam 한국외대 국제지역대학원 발간일 : 2015-02-01 등록일 : 2016-04-04 원문링크

The people of Bangladesh and Myanmar have the long history of cultural relations and trade communication. In spite of a good start in the bilateral relations after the emergence of Rohingya issue bilateral relations of both counties went down. At that time booth countries also experienced other internal and external challenges. After 1990s both countries tried many times to repair the bilateral relations but existing conflict and disputes became substantial barriers for further development of bilateral relations.
This research study analyzes the political and economic relations of both countries. This research also portrayed the existing barriers of cooperation in different development sectors. How do the cooperation efforts of different sectors can remove the existing barriers and challenges are explained clearly in this research. Bangladesh and Myanmar are two developing nations of south and southeast Asian region. Still both countries are being recognized as poor countries in the world. Myanmar has the huge natural resources and hydro power generation potentiality of 100,000 MW. Bangladesh has the huge man power resources and market of about 160 million people. Geographical proximity makes both countries as the bridge of communication among the east and west Asian countries.
Conclusively, the essence of the study is to explore that mutual cooperation in different development sectors. Mutual cooperation can produce mutual benefits which may deeper the bilateral relations of Bangladesh and Myanmar.


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